Earth Energies & Leys
Landscape Geometry
Dowsing Sherwood
Earth Mysteries
What are Ley Lines & Nodes? (April 2022)
Dowsing for Gnomes at Wollaton Park (June 2022)
Dowsing for Wine at Hardwick Hall (September 2022)
Were the Wollaton Gnomes Intelligent Light Forms? (August 2022)
The York Ley: A Line of Sites and a Line of Sight (April 2022)
The Enigma of Medieval City Leys (June 2022)
Vila Real de Santo Antonio: Portugal's Royal Town of New Straight Tracks (January 2023)
Earth Energies at Megalithic Sites in the Isle of Man (2017)
Earth Energies at Torhousemuir Stone Circle (2015)
Earth Energy changes during the Spring Equinox Sunrise at Mnajdra Temple, Malta (2016)
Earth Energies Simplified: It's a Question of Balance (March 2021)
Eclipse Dowsing Experiments (November 2022)
Dowsing Earth Energies without Tools (September 2023)
The Old Straight Beacon Tree Tracks (January 2024)